Olympic View Elementary

Olympic View

Weather Alert Reminders

Summary: Information for families in regard to transportation when their is adverse weather.

Seattle Schools Transportation Adverse Weather Plan

Weather Information

Winter Weather: How to find out if your school will have schedule changes due to ice or snow

As we move into the colder months, now is a good time to review how you will receive urgent weather information from Seattle Public Schools (SPS).  

When determining if changes are necessary, SPS monitors weather forecasts and road conditions.  

If snow or ice in the Seattle area affects road conditions, our schools may have schedule changes. Student and staff safety is a priority when making decisions related to inclement weather. When winter weather arrives in Seattle, SPS must determine schedule changes for the entire district. We recognize this decision may not always fit with what individual neighborhoods are experiencing. The city of Seattle has a wide variation of weather conditions because of our landscape.  

Seattle Public Schools and the Seattle Education Association are working together to explore using technology so students can continue to learn from home during inclement weather/snow days.