The Eagle – Week of March 3
Letter from Principal Bean
Dear Families,
5th Grade Artist in Residency Experience: Thanks to the fundraising efforts of the PTA, each grade level gets to participate in a unique artist-in-residency experience. This week, 5th grade begins their clowning unit. It is a great way for students to create their own unique persona! Every child receives a clowning nose, and when they put it on, it is their cue to develop their own clowning identity.
Billy Frank Jr. Day: OV will be celebrating Billy Frank Jr. Day this Friday, March 7. Billy Frank Jr., a Northwest Native American (Nisqually) activist, played a key role in the “Fish Wars” of the 1960’s and 1970’s, resulting in a landmark decision affirming tribal fishing rights. The official Billy Frank Jr. Day is on his birthday, March 9. Billy Frank Jr. Day.
Ramadan: I want to wish all of our Muslim families a happy Ramadan season. OV is providing many accommodations to support students including places to pray, alternative spaces to hang out in during lunch, as well as providing evening food bags, if needed. This is a great video of young kids explaining what Ramadan means to them: What is Ramadan?
Global Reading Challenge Semi-finals: The OV Global Reading Champions, the Reading River Otters, will be going to the city-wide semi-finals at the downtown public library. Good luck to Eva Burkett, Natalie Wu, Emory Doxey, Elsa Huneryager, Alice Rough, Bella Sanyu, and Chessie Cooper!
Arts Night: Make sure to save Wednesday, March 19 for our Arts Night event. It will be from 4:30-6:30 p.m. in the cafeteria.
March Virtue: Our attribute of changemaker virtue for March will be “kindness.” We will have our assembly on March 10, featuring our first graders.
Safety Reminder: At the beginning of the school year, the City of Seattle installed 4-way stop signs at our roundabout and nearby intersections and also speed humps around the perimeter of our school to help improve safety for our students and community. Please be mindful of these updates so we can all be safe.
In partnership,
Mr. Bean (he/him)
Important Dates
Every Wednesday is 1:10pm early release
- Monday, March 3 Global Reading Challenge – Downtown Seattle Public Library
- Monday, March 3 Art Committee Meeting – Room 212/Virtual
- Tuesday, March 4 Choir 2:30-4 p.m. P2
- Wednesday, March 5 Ice Skating Club 1:20-2:45 p.m. Kraken Community IcePlex
- Friday, March 7 Billy Frank Day Observed Learn More
- Thursday, March 6 After School Enrichment Session #4 2:40-3:40 p.m.
- Monday, March 10 Attribute Assembly
- Monday, March 10 Arts Night Meeting – in person in the Art Room (212)
- Tuesday, March 11 Choir 2:30-4 p.m. P2
- Wednesday, March 12 Spirit Day: Sports Day
- Wednesday, March 12 Ice Skating Club 1:20-2:45 p.m. Kraken Community IcePlex
- Thursday, March 13 After School Enrichment Session #5 2:40-3:40 p.m.
- Tuesday, March 18 Choir 2:30-4 p.m. P2
- Wednesday, March 19 Ice Skating Club 1:20-2:45 p.m. Kraken Community IcePlex
- Wednesday, March 19 Arts Night at OV 4:30-6:30 p.m.
- Thursday, March 20 After School Enrichment Session #6 2:40-3:40 p.m.
- Tuesday, March 25 Choir 2:30-4 p.m. P2 Volunteer Sign-Up
- Wednesday, March 26 Ice Skating Club 1:20-2:45 p.m. Kraken Community IcePlex
- Thursday, March 27 After School Enrichment Session #7 2:40-3:40 p.m.
This Week’s News
MLL Family Coffee & Conversation 3/7
Our next MLL Family Coffee & Conversation event will be Friday, March 7 from 8:00-8:30 a.m. in Room 205. Stop by after drop-off to meet Ms. Modi, Ms. Nancy, Mr. Noel, and Ms. Shukri and discuss what is going on at school. There will be coffee and breakfast snacks as well as Spanish and Somali interpretation. Hope to see you there!
Toothsavers 3/10
Toothsavers of Washington will be at Olympic View on March 10, 2025. If your child was seen by the in-school dentist in September, they will automatically be seen for a follow up visit.
If your child was NOT seen in September and you’d like them to be evaluated by a dentist at school, please fill out this online form.
Arts Night at OV 3/19
Arts Night is Wednesday, March 19 from 4:30-6:30 p.m. in the cafeteria. There will be performances by students and members of our community, arts & crafts tables, and interactive activities.
To make this community event possible we need volunteers. Volunteer Sign-Up
Interested in sharing any type of arts or crafts you enjoy? We will support you to help create a project for kids, materials and volunteers. Arts Night Proposal Form
Comments and questions to:
Mariners Tickets for 4/27
Olympic View is headed to the Mariners on April 27 at 1:10 p.m.
We have reserved a group of tickets at a discount so that the whole family can enjoy the game. We will be sitting on the main level for $20 a ticket. Please purchase your tickets as soon as you can, tickets will be sold through March 27. Come root on the Mariners and show our Eagle pride!
OVPTA Surplus Grants for 2024-2025
The PTA Board and membership decided that we can fund some surplus grants this year! Do you have an idea that supports the OVPTA mission and goals, but you need funds to make it happen? Have you identified a need that could be filled using some PTA money? The PTA has designated up to $10,000 to be spent on projects executed by our OV community members. That means YOU, our OV staff and our OV families, can submit a proposal for a project you’ll spearhead! In past years, these mini grants have funded classroom books, equipment upgrades, outdoor projects, and end of year activities. We’ll be trying to prioritize projects that benefit the most OV students and have longevity, but don’t be afraid to submit a proposal for something outside-the-box! Does it make OV even more amazing than it already is? Let’s hear it!
We’ll collect proposals and the PTA Board will approve some (but not all) proposals each month until the end of the year, or until we reach our spending limit. After each board meeting, we’ll let everyone know what we decided.
Don’t be intimidated by the proposal, it is just our process to get the information, it does not have to be a professional-looking grant!
Please email with any questions or if you’d like to submit your proposal via paper form.
Be Part of Arts at OV!
Arts Night is just a month away on Wednesday, March 19 from 4:30-6:30 p.m. at the school.
To make this community event possible we need your help! Interested in sharing any type of arts or crafts you enjoy? We will support you to help create a project for kids, materials and volunteers. Arts Night Proposal Form Look for event volunteer sign up after mid-winter break.
Our monthly Wonderful Wednesdays art project during lunch recess will be after mid-winter on February 26. The kids will be coloring masks to be displayed at Arts Night. Volunteer Sign-Up
Volunteer Opportunities
OVPTA Information
General Information
Looking for additional resources? Please go to our Family Resource Page:
Contact Us
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Main Office: 206-252-5500
Main Fax: 206-252-5501
Attendance: 206-252-5504
Principal – Andrew Bean
Assistant Principal – Rachel Roosma
Administrative Secretary – Crystal Parry
Office Assistant – Sabrina O’Brien
School Nurse – Angie Sterwald (Mon/Thurs)
Nurse Fax: 206-743-3157
Counselor – Doris Brevoort (Long term substitute)
All Staff Directory
Olympic View PTA
To submit a school-related news item or announcement, please email Crystal Parry at Submissions are due Wednesday of each week for Sunday publication and should have “For the Eagle” in the subject line.