Olympic View Elementary

Olympic View

Title I Information

Title I at Olympic View

What Our Families Need to Know

Title I, Part A is a federal program funded by the Every Child Succeeds Act (ESEA) that provides financial assistance to local educational agencies and public schools with a high percentage of families who qualify for the free and reduced lunch program. Title I funds are spent to improve academic achievement and enhance family engagement.

Examples of services paid for by Title I, Part A include:

  • Reading & math intervention
  • Trained tutors
  • Extended day activities
  • Summer school
  • Family engagement forums to enhance students’ academic growth

If you have questions or concerns about the use of these funds in your child’s school, contact:

Pamela Faulkner
Supervisor: Title I/LAP Programs

If you have questions or wish to file a formal complaint about the use of funds, the citizen complaint process can be accessed:

  • OSPI website
  • Phone: 360-725-6100
  • TTY: 360-664-3631
  • FAX: 360-586-3305
  • Mail Your Question:
    Attn: Citizen Complaint Title I, Part A
    Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
    P.O. Box 47200
    Olympia, WA 98504

Title I Funded Schools

View a list of Title I funded schools on the SPS district website.

Seattle Public Schools Provides Equal Educational and Employment Opportunities

Seattle Public Schools, SPS, provides Equal Educational Opportunities and Equal Employment Opportunities and does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex; race; creed; color; religion; ancestry; national origin; age; economic status; sexual orientation, including gender expression or identity; pregnancy; marital status; physical appearance; the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability; honorably discharged veteran or military status; or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal. SPS also provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.

SPS complies with all applicable state and federal laws and regulations, including but not limited to: Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 and the ADA Amendments Act of 2008; and the Washington Law Against Discrimination RCW 49.60. SPS’s compliance includes, but is not limited to all district programs, courses, activities, including extra-curricular activities, services, and access to facilities.

A compact is a written agreement that outlines how students, parents and teachers will work together to accomplish great things for our children in school and in life.  At Olympic View, this is what we agree to in order to do our best and work well together!

Student Pledge

I pledge to follow the “Eagle Way” (I will take care of myself, each other, and my school. This means I will do the following:

  • Come to school ready to learn, work hard, and persevere
  • Be a self-manager – solve problems and practice making good decisions
  • Be present and engaged in learning
  • Read every day
  • Be respectful of others

Family Pledge

I/We pledge to:

  • Ensure that my child attends school every day and on time
  • Help my child get enough sleep on school nights (10 hours or more for children ages 6-12)
  • Provide a quiet time and place for school work
  • Read to my child and encourage my child to read daily
  • Participate in school activities whenever possible, including parent-teacher conferences
  • Communicate with school staff about my child’s progress and seek help if my child is not meeting grade level academic standards or behavior expectations

School Pledge

We pledge to:

  • Provide a safe, warm and caring learning environment that is committed to creating an anti-racist culture that is welcoming to each and every student and family
  • Plan instruction that is engaging and appropriately challenging to students
  • Have high expectations for students and communicate these expectations clearly so that students and parents see growth
  • Authentically engage with families in culturally responsive two-way communication.
  • Work as a team with other school staff to design excellent instruction and support students and families
  • Involve families in decision making and improving our school community

2021-22 Olympic View Elementary Title 1 Family Involvement Plan 

Olympic Mission: to ensure all students have access to the academic and social-emotional skills and tools to succeed in the world as responsible, inclusive, anti-racist, and empathetic global advocates. 

Olympic View Vision: Olympic View provides a welcoming, and inclusive environment for all students, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, or religious affiliation. Staff delivers rigorous, relevant, and culturally responsive teaching through strong collaborative relationships with all students, their families, and the whole community. 

Olympic View Elementary embraces the Seattle School District’s commitment to family involvement as a key to academic success.  In order to facilitate this, the school community has developed the following plan. (Note: Because of covid restrictions, some of the following activities/events are not occurring.) 

Olympic View will meet statutory requirements by: 

  • Weekly school newsletter “The Eagle” sent to families through email every Monday. 
  • Regular newsletters written by classroom teachers  
  • Informational displays in school hallways regarding upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, after school programs, and educational evenings such as math night, art night, science night, etc. 
  • Highly skilled English Language Learner teacher and instructional assistants who maintain regular contact with families by phone and face-to-face interactions. 
  • Daily scheduled time for families to get help with reading and completing paperwork (such as volunteer forms) with bilingual IA assistance.  
  • IA translations and interpretations regularly throughout the day or for special school events. 
  • Provide incoming/prospective families with ABCs of OV pamphlet  
  • Monthly PTA board meetings; 3 times a year, general PTA meetings. 
  • Language support for families whose home language is not English. This includes interpretation for conferences, student intervention team meetings, IEP meetings, and general conferences.
    a. Formal interpretation/translation services for conferences
    b. Informal translation by parent volunteers is available as needed 
  • Family meetings will be scheduled if a need has been brought up. Set up through principal and possibly even PTA. 
  • Remote Learning Information Nights 
  • School Wide Family/School compact translated into our five major languages (Spanish, Amharic, Arabic, Somali, Tigrinya). 
  • Use of Talking Points 
  • Building family capacity for involvement through informal gatherings by cultural affinity group, trainings, joint parent-family classes 
  • Half-time social worker who helps families with material needs and tracks families whose children are at risk of truancy or poor academic performance 

Olympic View will involve families in the development and revision of the school’s family involvement plan by: 

  • Soliciting family feedback through scheduled meetings where the involvement plan is on the agenda. (PTA meetings, Building Leadership Team meetings, and others as appropriate) 
  • Implementing feedback from climate survey administered during the 2021-22 school year. 
  • Feedback based on affinity group meetings 

Olympic will involve families in the process of school review and improvement by 

  • Membership on the Building Leadership Team where major issues of educational policy and practice are decided around CSIP, budget, and professional development 
  • Soliciting input at language and affinity group meetings scheduled throughout the year, monthly Principal Coffee Chats, PTA meetings 
  • Parent Involvement on school’s Racial Equity Team 

Olympic View meeting outlining the Title 1 program requirements and the rights of families will be held early in the fall.   

The agenda includes: 

  • Curriculum overview in Literacy and Mathematics 
  • District/State Academic standards 
  • Overview of District/State Assessments 
  • Expectations for student performance on assessments 
  • Family/Teacher conferences 
  • Family compacts 

Olympic View will hold regularly scheduled family – teacher conferences. 

  • November academic conferences which include soliciting families’ perspectives on their children 
  • Parent meetings throughout the year as requested by families, teachers or specialists working with the child 

Olympic View will provide written reports of scores to families by: (Depending on status of state testing impacted by co-vid 19) 

  • Distribution of MAP letters to families 
  • Distribution of MSP Science and ELA/Math SBAC scores 
  • WIDA reports sent to parents of children served by bilingual services 
  • Letters to families and parent conferences for students who receive Level 1 or 2 on SBAC 
  • MTSS/SIT protocol: staff inform families about instructional interventions. 

All teaching staff at Olympic View Elementary are Highly Qualified. 

All new hires must meet Title 1 requirements. Olympic View follows Title 1 guidelines in notifying families in the event of a long-term substitute if there is a need. 

Activities by Olympic View to help parents understand academic requirements include: 

  • Principal whole-school remote learning information night 
  • JUMP Start open to all incoming kindergarteners 
  • WA-Kids Parent Conferences 
  • Family Connections Conferences 
  • Teachers regular communicate student learning through Seesaw and Clever 
  • Open House 
  • ELL/Affinity Family Nights 
  • Arts/Science Nights 
  • Interpreters available for family/teacher conferences 
  • Translated reports on student progress in addition to the report card 

Olympic View’s Title 1 team provides on-going training and support to all staff in communicating with parents and engaging them as equal partners in their child’s education

In addition to all the activities listed above Olympic View has developed the following opportunities for parent involvement in the school (many are contingent on returning to school). 

  • Parents serve as volunteers throughout the school (tutors, library helpers, chaperones, facilitators of before and after school programs, special events coordinators). 
  • Language support for families whose home language is not English.  This includes interpretation of conferences, student intervention team meetings, IEP meetings, and general conferences. 
  • Half-time counselor who helps families with material needs and tracks families whose children are at risk of truancy or poor academic performance.
  • Parent borrowing privileges from the library; books and books on tape are available in many languages. 
  • Parent/families all school programs: 
    – Move-a-thon
    – Field Day
    – Multicultural Potluck and Party
    – Family movie nights
    – Fall Festival
    – Plant Sale 
    – Arts Night
    – Open House
    – Kindergarten play dates before start of the year
    – Weekly food bags
    – Food pantry available to families 
  • Parent involvement: FEAT, BLT, Arts Committee, Tech Committee 
  • Staff members on PTA Board 
  • Race and Equity Team  

This plan is available in the front office.  Copies are available through the PTA, Volunteer coordinator, Title 1 team, principal and assistant principal. 

Olympic View Elementary has a strong commitment to parent involvement.  With a diverse linguistic, socio-economic, racial, cultural and ethnic community, the school strives to welcome, reach out to and include all families as equal partners. 

The following parents reviewed and commented on this plan: 

Laura Kunen (PTA/BLT) 

Krista Whitman (PTA/BLT) 

Title I, Part A Complaint Procedure

Title I, Part A is a federal program funded by the Every Child Succeeds Act (ESEA) that provides financial assistance to local educational agencies and public schools with a high percentage of families who qualify for the free and reduced lunch program.  Title I funds are spent to improve academic achievement and enhance family engagement.

Examples of services paid for by Title I, Part A include:

  • Reading & math intervention
  • Trained tutors
  • Extended day activities
  • Summer school
  • Family engagement forums to enhance students’ academic growth

If, as a parent, you have questions or concerns about the use of these funds in your child’s school, contact:

Pamela Faulkner
Supervisor: Title I/LAP Programs 

If you have further questions or wish to file a formal complaint about the use of funds, the citizen complaint process can be accessed:

Online| Phone 360-725-6100 | TTY 360-664-3631 | FAX 360-586-3305

Mail Your Question

Attn: Citizen Complaint Title I, Part A
Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
P.O. Box 47200
Olympia, WA 98504

Seattle Public Schools provides Equal Educational and Employment Opportunities

Seattle Public Schools, SPS, provides Equal Educational Opportunities and Equal Employment Opportunities and does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex; race; creed; color; religion; ancestry; national origin; age; economic status; sexual orientation, including gender expression or identity; pregnancy; marital status; physical appearance; the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability; honorably discharged veteran or military status; or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal. SPS also provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.

SPS complies with all applicable state and federal laws and regulations, including but not limited to: Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 and the ADA Amendments Act of 2008; and the Washington Law Against Discrimination RCW 49.60. SPS’s compliance includes, but is not limited to all district programs, courses, activities, including extra-curricular activities, services, and access to facilities.