The Eagle – Week of October 21
The Eagle – Week of October 21
Letter from Principal Bean
Dear Families,
Fall Festival: It was so exciting seeing the huge turnout on Friday. There were too many volunteers to thank individually, but I do want to give a heartfelt shoutout to Rob Wilson and Tom Fanelli for spearheading the event!!
Cake Decorating Contest Best in Show: Congratulations to 5th grader Brook Stevenson for winning the cake decorating contest this year. As always, the collective brilliance and creativity of our students is just incredible.
National Hispanic Heritage Month: Last week I shared how this past month we have been celebrating National Hispanic Heritage month. I wanted to share a couple of examples.
The first picture is from the library where Ms. Leland created a wall and collected books featuring important Hispanic figures and authors.
The second is an art project from Mr. De la Cruz where students were learning about warm and cool colors through Aztecan Sun designs.
Preparing for Earthquakes at Home: This past Wednesday, OV participated in The Great Washington ShakeOut Earthquake Drill. I wanted to share this resource with families, since it is so important for kids to know what to do in an earthquake in different situations as well as to come up with a family emergency plan. The Great Washington Shakeout Resource Page
PTA General Meeting: The PTA is hosting a general meeting this Wednesday from 6:30-8:00 p.m. in the cafeteria.
In partnership,
Mr. Bean (he/him)
Important Dates
Every Wednesday is 1:10pm early release
- October is Hispanic Heritage Month Learn More about Hispanic Heritage Month
- Tuesday, October 22 2nd Grade Field Trip
- Tuesday, October 22 Choir 2:30-4 p.m. P2
- Wednesday, October 23 OVPTA General Meeting Cafeteria 6:30 p.m. – All are welcome
- Thursday, October 24 After School Enrichment Session 2
- Sunday, October 27 Kraken Community IcePlex FREE Skating 11:30-12:30 p.m.
- Sunday, October 27 Aljoya Community Event 3-4 p.m.
- Tuesday, October 29 Choir 2:30-4 p.m. P2
- Thursday, October 31 After School Enrichment Session 3
This Week’s News
Creative Advantage Arts Team
Dear families,
It is time to update our Creative Advantage arts team at Olympic View Elementary! The Creative Advantage is a city-wide initiative to establish equitable access to arts learning for all Seattle Public School students. A partnership between SPS, the City, and more than 100 arts organizations – they work with schools to increase access to visual and performing arts classes, integrating arts into other subjects, creating opportunities to learn from professional artists and engaging students in culturally relevant arts. Creative Advantage is the program that helps bring clowning, drumming, capoeira, and more to our students!
What do I have to do?
- 9 hours/year commitment:
- One 3-hr orientation at a north-end location (TBD) in early December.
- Two, 3-hr school planning meetings that are facilitated by a principal arts leadership coach to develop an arts vision and an action.
Please consider joining our school arts team. Members of arts teams at other schools have found the process and the impact of school arts planning to be engaging and inspiring. I know that you would make a valuable contribution to creating and implementing an arts plan that empowers student voices and enhances our school culture!
We need 1-2 parents/guardians, ideally someone who has a student in K-2 and are interested in staying in this role for 2-3 years. Please email me at if interested!
Olivia Helbach, music teacher
Flying Forward Fund Direct Ask Campaign
October 1 marked the beginning of our direct ask campaign, the Flying Forward Fund.
We have raised 36% of our goal. Keep those donations coming!
Your tax deductible contribution is vital to helping support and fund:
- Arts Enrichment and Arts Night
- Teacher Classroom Needs
- Family Engagement Activities
- Library Books
- PE Equipment
- Supplies for Multi-Arts
- Grants to Olympic View (field trips, support, etc.)
- After School Program
- And much, much more!
The 2024 Flying Forward Fund goal is to raise $20,000. Please make donations by November 1 via blue envelope or donate to 2024 Flying Forward Fund online.
Thanks for your support!
Winter Coats
As the colder months are approaching, Olympic View is running a coat drive to ensure every child stays warm this winter. Your generosity will help provide a cozy layer of warmth for children who may not have adequate winter wear. Together, we can make a big difference in the lives of our students!
We would love for the coat drive to be fulfilled by the end of October, but we will run the drive until each child that needs a coat has one. If you would like to purchase elsewhere, feel free. Just please select a coat of same size and similar color and click “I bought this gift.” That will remove it from the registry, and you can drop it off or have it shipped to Olympic View. We are specifically looking for coats that are insulated, hooded, and water resistant.
**If you had previously signed your child up to receive a coat, please note that coats are being distributed as we get them.**
OVPTA General Meeting – Wednesday, 10/23
Please join us for our first OVPTA general meeting of the new school year on Wednesday, October 23 at 6:30 p.m. This is your opportunity to have your voice heard and help make Olympic View the elementary school you want it to be!
Please join us in the school cafeteria. Food will be provided!
Free childcare available at Collaboration Station during the meeting.
Please email Kristel Gonazales at if you’re interested in taking advantage of this!
Free Tickets to UW Sporting Events
The Olympic View PTA has partnered with the University of Washington once again this year to offer FREE tickets for Olympic View families.
- Women’s Volleyball vs. Maryland – Saturday 10/26 at 7 p.m.
Kraken Community Iceplex – Free Skating Sunday, 10/27
In partnership with the Seattle Kraken, the OV PTA is proud to announce a Free ice skating opportunity at the Kraken Community Iceplex (KCI) in Northgate on Sunday, October 27 from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. This event is open to the entire OV community – adults & kids!
We’ll have a check-in table setup in the main lobby where parents/guardians can fill out the waiver form to get skating wristbands for their family. There will be some skate aids available for use and a skate monitor from KCI. Kids are encouraged to bring helmets/safety gear if they have them (there will also be some helmets available for temporary use at the rink). Also, since its close to Halloween, feel free to wear your skating-friendly costume!
Please note: this is not a drop-off event – kids must be accompanied by an adult.
We hope to see you there!
Aljoya Thornton Place – Sunday, 10/27
Invites Its Neighbors to trick-or-treat at their retirement community!
There will be soooo much candy and a kid’s game room.
Event is designed for kids 10 and under and must be accompanied by an adult.
- Date: Sunday, October 27
- Time: 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
- Address: 450 NE 100th Street, Seattle
*Check in at the front desk, more detailed information will be provided.
Veterans Day Assembly Planning
As we prepare for our annual Veterans Day Assembly, we would love your contributions! Do you have a family member, or even yourself who has served our country? Please submit a photo of your vet and include the following: Time of active duty (ex: 1970-2000), Name and Rank of vet, Name of OV student, Relationship to student.
All submissions can be emailed to Ms. Sabrina –
Please have all submissions in to her by October 31 end of day.
The assembly will be on November 4, at 8:10 am. We invite you to this assembly, but we especially want you to invite the veterans of your life to join us as we honor the Veterans of the greater Olympic View community.
Seattle Kraken Tickets
The Seattle Kraken are excited to welcome Olympic View School to Climate Pledge Arena! Use this link to get the group ticket rate for select Seattle Kraken games this season, as low as $32 a seat for some games. Availability and pricing varies by game.
- Kraken vs. NY Islanders – Sat. 11/16 at 1 p.m.
- Kraken vs. Utah Hockey Club – Mon. 12/30 at 5 p.m.
- Kraken vs. Edmonton Oilers – Sat. 1/4 at 7 p.m.
- Kraken vs. Pittsburgh Penguins – Sat. 1/25 at 1 p.m.
Movie Night Planning Committee – Help Wanted!
We are kicking off planning for a movie night in mid-November and we need volunteers to help!! Exact movie, date, and time to be announced soon.
Please reach out to Tom at to join the fun!
Dental Clinic Round Two! Friday, November 1
We had so many students signed up to see the dentist for an assessment that we couldn’t see everyone in one day.
If you turned in your permission slip and your child wasn’t seen, they will get their chance on Friday, November 1.
Thank you, Nurse Angie
Volunteer Opportunities
General Information
Looking for additional resources? Please go to our Family Resource Page:
Contact Us
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Main Office: 206-252-5500
Main Fax: 206-252-5501
Attendance: 206-252-5504
Principal – Andrew Bean
Assistant Principal – Rachel Roosma
Administrative Secretary – Crystal Parry
Office Assistant – Sabrina O’Brien
School Nurse – Angie Sterwald (Mon/Thurs)
Nurse Fax: 206-743-3157
Counselor – Doris Brevoort (Long term substitute)
All Staff Directory
Olympic View PTA
To submit a school-related news item or announcement, please email Crystal Parry at Submissions are due Wednesday of each week for Sunday publication and should have “For the Eagle” in the subject line.