Olympic View Elementary

Olympic View
The Eagle Newsletter

The Eagle – Week of September 30

The Eagle – Week of September 30

Letter from Principal Bean

Dear Families, 

Back to School Night: I am so sorry I missed Back to School Night as I was out sick, but I heard it was an amazing evening with a great turnout! 

Orange Shirt Day: Though Orange Shirt Day is a Canadian observance, Seattle Public Schools recognizes Orange Shirt Day, because every child matters. We invite you to join in the healing. By wearing an orange shirt on September 30th, you commit to the enduring truth that EVERY CHILD MATTERS, every day and everywhere.  – Orange Shirt Society 

October Attribute of a Changemaker: This month Olympic View will be focusing on responsibility. 

Congratulations to Ms. Rho!: On Thursday, our counselor had her baby! Welcome to the OV community Jaxon! I would like to welcome Doris Brevoort who will be Joyce’s long-term sub.  

Jewish High Holidays: I want to wish for our Jewish community to have a great holiday season. Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, starts the evening of October 2. Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, starts the evening of October 11.  

Social-Emotional Learning Curriculum: As part of our SEL (Social-Emotional Learning) and anti-bullying instruction, our school is going to be teaching Second Step. There will be four units that students get throughout the year. Each grade level has the same theme, but they evolve through the grades. 

  • Unit 1: Growth Mindset and Goal Setting
  • Emotion Management 
  • Empathy and Kindness
  • Problem-Solving 

Well-Resourced Schools Update: In case you missed it, based on feedback from the SPS community, the Superintendent cancelled the Well-Resourced Schools meetings in order to rethink plans for school consolidation. He will reschedule them later.  

No U-turns on 95th street! When dropping off/picking up students, please do not do U-turns. It causes congestion and is dangerous with all of our walkers. 

Olympic View Title 1 School: Part of being a Title 1 school requires that we create a “Student, Staff, and Parent Compact”. Please review this with your child. Olympic View Student, Staff, Parent Compact. After reviewing it, please click on this form to verify. OV Compact Verification 

In partnership, 
Mr. Bean (he/him) 

Important Dates

Every Wednesday is 1:10pm early release

  • Tuesday, October 1 Flying Forward Direct Ask Campaign Begins – Donate to Flying Forward
  • Tuesday, October 1 Art Docent Training 8-9 a.m. OV Cafeteria
  • Wednesday, October 2 Vaccine Clinic 8:00-10:45 a.m. Register for Vaccine Clinic
  • Saturday, October 5 Garden Work Party 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
  • Saturday, October 5 PTA Trivia Night 6-9 p.m. Lake City Eagles – Buy PTA Trivia Night Tickets
  • Monday, October 7 Choir Registration Opens
  • Monday, October 7 Changemaker Attribute Assembly – Responsibility 8:10-8:30 a.m. OV Cafeteria
  • Wednesday, October 16 Wonderful Wednesday (During lunch recesses)
  • Thursday, October 17 Individual Picture Day Pre-Order Photos
  • Friday, October 18 3rd Grade Field Trip
  • Friday, October 18 Fall Festival Volunteer Fall Festival Sign-Up
  • Wednesday, October 23 OVPTA General Meeting Cafeteria 6:30 p.m. – All are welcome

This Week’s News

Flying Forward Fund Direct Ask Campaign – Starts 10/1

October 1 marks the beginning of our direct ask campaign, the Flying Forward Fund.

Be on the lookout for a blue envelope coming home in kid mail this week. All money raised goes directly towards Olympic View. Your tax deductible contribution is vital to helping support and fund:

  • Arts Enrichment and Arts Night
  • Teacher Classroom Needs
  • Family Engagement Activities
  • Library Books
  • PE Equipment
  • Supplies for Multi-Arts
  • Grants to Olympic View (field trips, support, etc.)
  • After School Program
  • And much, much more!

The 2024 Flying Forward Fund goal is to raise $20,000. Please make donations by November 1 via blue envelope or donate to 2024 Flying Forward Fund online.

Thanks for your support!

Vaccine Clinic at Olympic View Elementary

When: Wednesday, October 2 from 8:00-10:45 a.m.
What: All childhood vaccines will be available, including the annual flu and COVID vaccines.
Who: All children ages 6 months-18 years old.  Kids DO NOT have to be students of SPS.
Why:  Vaccines keep our communities safe and are legally required for all students who attend school.

Garden Work Parties 10/5 & 10/19

clipart flowers

Come join us planting spring bulbs and making sure the garden magic continues to grow! We have gloves and tools, all ages and skill levels are welcome! October 5 and 19 from 9:00 until 1:00.

Email generousgardening@gmail.com with questions or to RSVP. 

PTA Trivia Night – This Saturday, 10/5

trivia night host with microphone

Host Jeremy Behrens returns for another fun filled PTA Trivia Night and our trivia host needs your help!  If you are available to help with set up before the event that would be great!

WHEN: October 5, 5:30 pm check in time (trivia starts at 6:00 pm) at Lake City Eagles.

$25/person or $150/team (Teams can have up to 6 people)

Pay for your 6 person team or pay for a solo ticket and join a team when you arrive.

The Eagles does have an assortment of fried foods on their menu, but if you would like to bring outside food, that is also an option!  

Choir at Olympic View Elementary

Choir is coming back to Olympic View Elementary this year! This opportunity is for third, fourth, and fifth grade students who like to sing, perform, and have fun.

Graphic of students singing in choir
  • Who: Third, fourth, and fifth grade students at Olympic View Elementary
  • What: We will be learning musical games and songs throughout a nine-week session. Learned skills will be presented in the form of an in-person concert or recorded performances
  • Where: Portable 2 (Ms. Helbach’s classroom)
  • When: Tuesdays from 2:30-4:00 p.m. starting on October 15 and ending on December 10  
  • Why: In this choir we will be working not only on musical skills, but also lifelong skills such as cooperation/teamwork, patience, creativity, perseverance, and growth mindset

Registration will open the week of October 7 with details regarding schedules, payment, and more! Scholarships will be available.

Please feel free to email with any questions: okhelbach@seattleschools.org

Olivia Helbach, Olympic View Music Teacher

School Supply Pay

If you haven’t already contributed towards school supplies for your student this year, please click on the link below. Suggested contribution is $40 per student.

Over the summer, our PTA volunteers purchased school supplies for our entire school. Buying supplies in bulk provides significant cost savings to families and promotes equity as every student will have the same supplies. All classrooms have been stocked with teacher requested supplies and teachers will use and distribute them in the way that works best for their classroom.

Thank you and our Olympic View PTA for helping to make this equity project successful!

A Note From Our School Counselor

Eagle Food Packs: Food packs sent home with your child/ren every weekend. Please note that you will have to fill out a form for each child.

Winter Coat Drive: If your student is in need of a winter jacket, please fill out this form. Please note that you will have to fill out a form for each student in your family who is requesting for a jacket. Please sign up by October 11.

In addition, I will be out on maternity leave starting on Friday, 27. During my absence, Doris Brevoort will be serving as my long-term substitute. She is fully equipped to assist you with any services or inquiries you may have while I am away. I encourage you to reach out to her for any support you need. You can reach her at dbrevoort@seattleschools.org or at 206-252-5509. I look forward to re-connecting with you when I return!


The OV Eagle Packs Program Needs Your Help!

The OV Eagle Pack program provides weekend food bags for any family that requests it. The University Food Bank provides the food items, and volunteers pack the bags and distribute them to classrooms every week. We need volunteers to help with packing on Friday mornings from about 8:00-9:00 am. If you are able to help during this timeframe, please sign up

We would love to have some consistent volunteers, so if you can commit to one or more Fridays a month that would be helpful, or feel free to drop into the lunchroom any Friday after drop off to lend a hand as well if you find yourself with some time. 

Questions? Contact k.linnes@gmail.com

*We also need plastic and paper shopping bags (the thicker, handled ones like from Target or a grocery store). If you have extras you can donate, please drop them off in the office.

Free Tickets to UW Sporting Events

University of Washington logo

The Olympic View PTA has partnered with the University of Washington once again this year to offer FREE tickets for Olympic View families.

  • Men’s Soccer vs. Maryland – Friday 10/11 at 7 p.m.
  • Women’s Volleyball vs. Maryland – Saturday 10/26 at 7 p.m.

Fall Festival 10/18

graphic of a string of leaves

Date: October 18
When: 4-7 p.m.

The Olympic View Fall Festival is coming up soon! This is the one and only opportunity for kids to wear costumes, so feel free to wear them for the event.

We’ll have a fire truck visit right at 4 p.m. and other Fall Festival favorites like the haunted house, a variety of fun games, a photo booth, and food for you to enjoy! We need plenty of volunteers to make the event a success. There are many volunteer opportunities and no contribution of time is too little. Many hands make light work!

Please contact Rob Wilson at wilson5113@gmail.com with any questions or to help with logistics/planning ahead of the event.

OVPTA General Meeting 10/23

Please join us for our first OVPTA general meeting.  This is your opportunity to have your voice heard and help make Olympic View the elementary school you want it to be!  It will be Wednesday October 23 at 6:30 p.m. in the lunchroom.  Food will be provided and children are welcome.      

Art Committee – Calling All Art Lovers!

We need volunteers to support our wonderful art education offerings at Olympic View.

Current Volunteer Opportunities:

  • Art Docents: The Art Docent program is looking for more volunteers to cover all classrooms!
    The Art Docent Program is a PTA sponsored enrichment activity for all students at all grade levels. Jenny Hellman, OV Artist in Residence, designs lessons that allow students to study and practice the skills of an artist, from ancient to modern eras, and explore materials and techniques.

    Art Docents receive complete training from Jenny, as well as all materials and support to teach the lesson and display the student art. It’s a great way to get to know your student’s class and see the enthusiasm for this outstanding program. It’s also a LOT of fun!

    Lessons are offered five times during the school year, from October to June. Each lesson requires about an hour of time for training, and an hour or so to give the lesson and hang the art.
    Please contact Docent Coordinator Laura Rogneby at ovdocents@gmail.com for more details or to sign up.
  • Wonderful Wednesday Helpers: Once a month we have a midday art activity that is absolutely beloved by the students. From 11-1 we offer a small project either outside on the playlot or in the main lobby, supporting seasonal themes and exploring a variety of materials. Contact Cara Mattera at enrichment@ovpta.org for more information. Our next Wonderful Wednesday is October 16, so come on out and experience the joy!
  • Art Night: We are also seeking an Art Night Chair.

Please contact Cara Mattera at enrichment@ovpta.org for more information.

Volunteer Opportunities

Wonderful Wednesdays (once per month) – Email Cara Mattera at enrichment@ovpta.org

Art Docent – Email Laura Rogneby at ovdocents@gmail.com

General Information

Late Arrivals to School

If your student is late (the bell rings at 7:55 a.m.), please drop them off at the NE 95th Street entrance near the flagpole or blacktop. We now have a call box at the 95th Street entrance. After the bell rings at 7:55 a.m., all students must be signed in with office staff. The 8th Ave call box entrance will be used for staff only.


If your student will not be at school, please email the attendance email olympicview.attendance@seattleschools.org or call 202-252-5504 to let office staff know.

Early Pick Up

Parents/Guardians should come to the 95th Street security call box entrance. We are unable to call students down to the office until you arrive for pick up.

Pick Up Changes

If your student will have an alternate plan for pick up, please contact the office via email olympicview@seattleschools.org, phone 206-252-5500, Talking Points message, or a signed note with your student.

Our breakfast and lunch menus are now up on the SPS website!

Individual milk purchase (with home lunch) costs $.75

Want to know what to do if there is bad weather? Learn more about preparing for winter weather.

How to Volunteer

All volunteers must complete the online form.

Join the Olympic View Parent Teacher Association

Want to support your student’s classroom teacher?

Donate to Your Student’s Classroom Teacher

Spirit Gear: The Olympic View Spirit Wear online store is now open!

Choose from Kids, Women, and Men’s sizes. We have t-shirts, long sleeved, crewnecks and hoodies all available in many colors.

images of OV spirit wear

Membership strengthens the voice of our community, helps support the WA State and National PTAs, and allows you to vote on OV PTA matters, including how to spend the money we fundraise. Scholarships are available, if you need one.

With the first full week of school under our belts, students are starting to share germs and become sick.

For all illnesses, including COVID, please keep students home if:

  • They have uncontrollable secretions from their eyes or nose
  • They cannot control their cough
  • Their symptoms are improving
  • They are fever, diarrhea, vomit free for at least 24 hours, without the use of medication

COVID testing is no longer required.    

We will be hosting a vaccine clinic at Olympic View on October 2, where all childhood vaccines, flu and COVID vaccines will be available at no cost to you. 

If you would like to take action sooner, local pharmacies and doctors’ offices have the seasonal flu shot and pediatric COVID vaccines will become available over the next couple weeks.  Adult COVID vaccines are currently available. 

Please help keep our community healthy by keeping sick students home, practicing good hand washing, properly covering coughs and sneezes and maintaining vaccinations for preventable illness. 

Thank you,

Nurse Angie


The Source Parent/Guardian Tour

What is the Source?

Parent and guardian Source accounts display attendance, assessment scores, Elementary Progress Reports, Secondary Performance Reports, secondary student assignment scores, SchoolPay, Schoology Access Codes and other information.

  • Parents and guardians of students actively enrolled in SPS may set up an account.
  • Students actively enrolled in SPS will receive a username and password from their school. If your student does not know their username, needs a password reset or help logging in, contact a teacher or the school librarian.
    Reminder: Students do not include @seattleschools.org when logging onto the Source, example: 1student

Would you like your student(s) to receive a food bag each week? Please fill out a request form to be added to the list. Eagle Pack Sign Up

Questions? Please reach out to counselor Joyce Rho jecho@seattleschools.org.

Transit is free for riders 18 and younger thanks to Move Ahead Washington, a statewide transportation funding package.

Learn how to sign your student up for an Orca Card

The Family Resource Center will support families three days a week with access to essential services. This includes enrollment in public benefits and connections to community resources such as empowerment programs, parenting classes and a mobile food pantry. 

Family Resource Center at Broadview-Thomson K-8
13052 Greenwood Ave. N Seattle, WA 98133
Hours: Tuesday 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m., Wednesday 1 – 4 p.m., Friday 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.

For more information about Family Resource Centers, visit the FamilyWorks website.  

Looking for additional resources? Please go to our Family Resource Page:

Contact Us

Office Hours: Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Main Office: 206-252-5500 olympicview@seattleschools.org
Main Fax: 206-252-5501
Attendance: 206-252-5504 olympicview.attendance@seattleschools.org
Principal – Andrew Bean ajbean@seattleschools.org
Assistant Principal – Rachel Roosma rmroosma@seattleschools.org
Administrative Secretary – Crystal Parry cnparry@seattleschools.org
Office Assistant – Sabrina O’Brien snobrien@seattleschools.org
School Nurse – Angie Sterwald (Mon/Thurs) amsterwald@seattleschools.org
Nurse Fax: 206-743-3157
Counselor – Doris Brevoort dbrevoort@seattleschools.org (Long term substitute)
All Staff Directory
Olympic View PTA

To submit a school-related news item or announcement, please email Crystal Parry at cnparry@seattleschools.org. Submissions are due Wednesday of each week for Sunday publication and should have “For the Eagle” in the subject line.