Olympic View Elementary

Olympic View
The Eagle Newsletter

The Eagle – Week of October 14

The Eagle – Week of October 14

Letter from Principal Bean

Dear Families, 

Indigenous Peoples’ Day: Tomorrow is Indigenous Peoples’ Day! All classes will be teaching lessons/leading activities. Indigenous Peoples’ Day recognizes the Indigenous communities that have lived in the Americas for thousands of years. It has become increasingly popular as a replacement for Columbus Day, which was meant to celebrate the explorer who sailed with a crew from Spain in three ships, the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria, in 1492 while ignoring the impact of colonialization on indigenous peoples. 

Picture Day: This Thursday is Individual Picture Day Pre-Order Photos

Fall Festival: Make sure to keep your calendar open for Friday since it is Fall Festival. The event takes place between 4:00-7:00 p.m. Thank you to all the parent volunteers who make this annual tradition happen! 

Wonderful Wednesdays: I wanted to highlight another tradition that students get to experience because of our amazing parent volunteers. Once a month we have “Wonderful Wednesdays”. During lunch recess students are able to do an art project. If you go to the playground, you will see a bunch of tables set up and a swarm of kids excitedly creating their art! On October 16, they will be making decorations for the Fall Festival! Wonderful Wednesday Volunteer Sign-Up

Rainy Day Drop-Off: Just a friendly reminder that during drop-off, and especially on rainy days, we need to keep the traffic moving, so please make sure to do the following: 

  • Student should exit on the passenger side
  • Student should be ready to leave immediately
  • Have backpacks in lap 
  • Say goodbyes before parking 
  • Continue west on 95th. Please do not do a U-turn. Even though it might save you a couple of minutes, it creates congestion and potential safety concerns.  

Visitors/Volunteers: Please enter the building from our 95th Street entrance (flagpole side). Ring the doorbell and stand in front of the camera so we can identify you. Per district policy, all visitors and volunteers must sign-in and wear a badge at all times while in the building. All volunteers must complete the online form.

In partnership, 

Mr. Bean (he/him) 

Important Dates

Every Wednesday is 1:10pm early release

  • October is Hispanic Heritage Month Learn More about Hispanic Heritage Month
  • Monday, October 14 Indigenous Peoples’ Day Learn More about Indigenous Peoples’ Day
  • Monday, October 14 OV Art Committee Meeting 2:45 p.m. Room 212 – All are welcome
  • Tuesday, October 15 Choir 2:30-4:00 p.m. P2
  • Wednesday, October 16 Wonderful Wednesday (during lunch recess)
  • Wednesday, October 16 Maple Leaf Community Council General Meeting Cafeteria 6-7:30 p.m.
  • Thursday, October 17 Individual Picture Day Pre-Order Photos
  • Thursday, October 17 After School Enrichment 2:40-3:40 p.m. Class #1
  • Friday, October 18 3rd Grade Field Trip
  • Friday, October 18 Fall Festival Fall Festival Volunteer Sign-Up
  • Saturday, October 19 Garden Work Party 9-1 p.m.
  • Tuesday, October 22 2nd Grade Field Trip
  • Wednesday, October 23 OVPTA General Meeting Cafeteria 6:30 p.m. – All are welcome
  • Sunday, October 27 Kraken Community IcePlex FREE Skating

This Week’s News

Fall Festival – This Friday! 10/18

row of multi sized pumpkins
The Olympic View Fall Festival is Friday 10/18 from 4-7 p.m.

This is the one and only opportunity for kids to wear their costumes, so feel free to wear them for the event.

water color painted raised hands

Volunteers Needed!! We have setup, cleanup, and opportunities to help for both shifts at the Fall Festival. Have no fear, you’ll still have plenty of time to enjoy the event! Alumni kids are welcome to help as well, they can earn service hours! Fall Festival Volunteer Sign-Up

cartoon cake with pink and purple frosting and cherries on top

Cake Contest entry information can be found in the Fall Festival flyer kids brought home this past week. Awards at ALL grade levels! Bake and decorate your signature cakes and bring them in between 7:30 and 8:30 a.m. on Friday, 10/18!!

pot of chili with prize ribbon

Chili Contest – bring your best chili and take home this year’s “Best Chili” title. Your chili also feeds Fall Festival guests and helps raise money to support the event. This is a great way to support the event if you can’t attend or can’t volunteer. Chili Cook-Off Sign-Up

Please contact Rob Wilson at wilson5113@gmail.com with any questions.

Flying Forward Fund Direct Ask Campaign

October 1 marked the beginning of our direct ask campaign, the Flying Forward Fund. We have raised a little over 25% of our goal. Keep those donations coming!

Your tax deductible contribution is vital to helping support and fund:

  • Arts Enrichment and Arts Night
  • Teacher Classroom Needs
  • Family Engagement Activities
  • Library Books
  • PE Equipment
  • Supplies for Multi-Arts
  • Grants to Olympic View (field trips, support, etc.)
  • After School Program
  • And much, much more!

The 2024 Flying Forward Fund goal is to raise $20,000. Please make donations by November 1 via blue envelope or donate to 2024 Flying Forward Fund online.

Thanks for your support!

Winter Coats

As the colder months are approaching, Olympic View is running a coat drive to ensure every child stays warm this winter. Your generosity will help provide a cozy layer of warmth for children who may not have adequate winter wear. Together, we can make a big difference in the lives of our students!

We would love for the coat drive to be fulfilled by the end of October, but we will run the drive until each child that needs a coat has one.  If you would like to purchase elsewhere, feel free.  Just please select a coat of same size and similar color and click “I bought this gift.”  That will remove it from the registry, and you can drop it off or have it shipped to Olympic View.  We are specifically looking for coats that are insulated, hooded, and water resistant.

Choir at Olympic View Elementary

Choir is coming back to Olympic View Elementary this year! This opportunity is for third, fourth, and fifth grade students who like to sing, perform, and have fun.

Graphic of students singing in choir
  • Who: Third, fourth, and fifth grade students at Olympic View Elementary
  • What: We will be learning musical games and songs throughout a nine-week session. Learned skills will be presented in the form of an in-person concert or recorded performances
  • Where: Portable 2 (Ms. Helbach’s classroom)
  • When: Tuesdays from 2:30-4:00 p.m. starting on October 15 and ending on December 10  
  • Why: In this choir we will be working not only on musical skills, but also lifelong skills such as cooperation/teamwork, patience, creativity, perseverance, and growth mindset

Registration will open the week of October 7 with details regarding schedules, payment, and more! Scholarships will be available.

Please feel free to email with any questions: okhelbach@seattleschools.org

Olivia Helbach, Olympic View Music Teacher

Garden Work Parties 10/19

clipart flowers

Come join us planting spring bulbs and making sure the garden magic continues to grow! We have gloves and tools, all ages and skill levels are welcome! October 5 and 19 from 9:00 until 1:00.

Email generousgardening@gmail.com with questions or to RSVP. 

OVPTA General Meeting – Wednesday, 10/23

Please join us for our first OVPTA general meeting of the new school year on Wednesday, October 23 at 6:30 p.m. This is your opportunity to have your voice heard and help make Olympic View the elementary school you want it to be! 

Please join us in the school cafeteria. Food will be provided!  
Free childcare available at Collaboration Station during the meeting.

Please email Kristel Gonazales at k.linnes@gmail.com if you’re interested in taking advantage of this!      

Free Tickets to UW Sporting Events

University of Washington logo

The Olympic View PTA has partnered with the University of Washington once again this year to offer FREE tickets for Olympic View families.

  • Women’s Volleyball vs. Maryland – Saturday 10/26 at 7 p.m.

Kraken Community Iceplex – FREE Skating Sunday, 10/27

In partnership with the Seattle Kraken, the OV PTA is proud to announce a FREE ice skating opportunity at the Kraken Community Iceplex (KCI) in Northgate on Sunday, October 27 from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.  This event is open to the entire OV community – adults & kids!

We’ll have a check-in table setup in the main lobby where parents/guardians can fill out the waiver form to get skating wristbands for their family.  There will be some skate aids available for use and a skate monitor from KCI.  Kids are encouraged to bring helmets/safety gear if they have them (there will also be some helmets available for temporary use at the rink).  Also, since its close to Halloween, feel free to wear your skating-friendly costume!

Please note: this is not a drop-off event – kids must be accompanied by an adult.  

We hope to see you there!

Veterans Day Assembly Planning

As we prepare for our annual Veterans Day Assembly, we would love your contributions!  Do you have a family member, or even yourself who has served our country? Please submit a photo of your vet and include the following: Time of active duty (ex: 1970-2000), Name and Rank of vet, Name of OV student, Relationship to student.

All submissions can be emailed to Ms. Sabrina – snobrien@seattleschools.org

Please have all submissions in to her by October 31 end of day

The assembly will be on November 4, at 8:10 am.  We invite you to this assembly, but we especially want you to invite the veterans of your life to join us as we honor the Veterans of the greater Olympic View community.

Seattle Kraken Tickets

seattle kraken logo

The Seattle Kraken are excited to welcome Olympic View School to Climate Pledge Arena! Use this link to get the group ticket rate for select Seattle Kraken games this season, as low as $32 a seat for some games. Availability and pricing varies by game.

  • Kraken vs. NY Islanders – Sat. 11/16 at 1 p.m.
  • Kraken vs. Utah Hockey Club – Mon. 12/30 at 5 p.m.
  • Kraken vs. Edmonton Oilers – Sat. 1/4 at 7 p.m.
  • Kraken vs. Pittsburgh Penguins – Sat. 1/25 at 1 p.m.

Movie Night Planning Committee – Help Wanted!

We are kicking off planning for a movie night in mid-November and we need volunteers to help!! Exact movie, date, and time to be announced soon.

Please reach out to Tom at activities@ovpta.org to join the fun!

Volunteer Opportunities

General Information

Late Arrivals to School

If your student is late (the bell rings at 7:55 a.m.), please drop them off at the NE 95th Street entrance near the flagpole or blacktop. We now have a call box at the 95th Street entrance. After the bell rings at 7:55 a.m., all students must be signed in with office staff. The 8th Ave call box entrance will be used for staff only.


If your student will not be at school, please email the attendance email olympicview.attendance@seattleschools.org or call 202-252-5504 to let office staff know.

Early Pick Up

Parents/Guardians should come to the 95th Street security call box entrance. We are unable to call students down to the office until you arrive for pick up.

Pick Up Changes

If your student will have an alternate plan for pick up, please contact the office via email olympicview@seattleschools.org, phone 206-252-5500, Talking Points message, or a signed note with your student.

Our breakfast and lunch menus are now up on the SPS website!

Individual milk purchase (with home lunch) costs $.75

Want to know what to do if there is bad weather? Learn more about preparing for winter weather.

How to Volunteer

All volunteers must complete the online form.

Want to support your student’s classroom teacher?

Donate to Your Student’s Classroom Teacher

Spirit Gear: The Olympic View Spirit Wear online store is now open!

Choose from Kids, Women, and Men’s sizes. We have t-shirts, long sleeved, crewnecks and hoodies all available in many colors.

images of OV spirit wear

Membership strengthens the voice of our community, helps support the WA State and National PTAs, and allows you to vote on OV PTA matters, including how to spend the money we fundraise. Scholarships are available, if you need one.

With the first full week of school under our belts, students are starting to share germs and become sick.

For all illnesses, including COVID, please keep students home if:

  • They have uncontrollable secretions from their eyes or nose
  • They cannot control their cough
  • Their symptoms are improving
  • They are fever, diarrhea, vomit free for at least 24 hours, without the use of medication

COVID testing is no longer required.    

We will be hosting a vaccine clinic at Olympic View on October 2, where all childhood vaccines, flu and COVID vaccines will be available at no cost to you. 

If you would like to take action sooner, local pharmacies and doctors’ offices have the seasonal flu shot and pediatric COVID vaccines will become available over the next couple weeks.  Adult COVID vaccines are currently available. 

Please help keep our community healthy by keeping sick students home, practicing good hand washing, properly covering coughs and sneezes and maintaining vaccinations for preventable illness. 

Thank you,

Nurse Angie


The Source Parent/Guardian Tour

What is the Source?

Parent and guardian Source accounts display attendance, assessment scores, Elementary Progress Reports, Secondary Performance Reports, secondary student assignment scores, SchoolPay, Schoology Access Codes and other information.

  • Parents and guardians of students actively enrolled in SPS may set up an account.
  • Students actively enrolled in SPS will receive a username and password from their school. If your student does not know their username, needs a password reset or help logging in, contact a teacher or the school librarian.
    Reminder: Students do not include @seattleschools.org when logging onto the Source, example: 1student

Would you like your student(s) to receive a food bag each week? Please fill out a request form to be added to the list. Eagle Pack Sign Up

Questions? Please reach out to counselor Joyce Rho jecho@seattleschools.org.

Transit is free for riders 18 and younger thanks to Move Ahead Washington, a statewide transportation funding package.

Learn how to sign your student up for an Orca Card

The Family Resource Center will support families three days a week with access to essential services. This includes enrollment in public benefits and connections to community resources such as empowerment programs, parenting classes and a mobile food pantry. 

Family Resource Center at Broadview-Thomson K-8
13052 Greenwood Ave. N Seattle, WA 98133
Hours: Tuesday 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m., Wednesday 1 – 4 p.m., Friday 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.

For more information about Family Resource Centers, visit the FamilyWorks website.  

Looking for additional resources? Please go to our Family Resource Page:

Contact Us

Office Hours: Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Main Office: 206-252-5500 olympicview@seattleschools.org
Main Fax: 206-252-5501
Attendance: 206-252-5504 olympicview.attendance@seattleschools.org
Principal – Andrew Bean ajbean@seattleschools.org
Assistant Principal – Rachel Roosma rmroosma@seattleschools.org
Administrative Secretary – Crystal Parry cnparry@seattleschools.org
Office Assistant – Sabrina O’Brien snobrien@seattleschools.org
School Nurse – Angie Sterwald (Mon/Thurs) amsterwald@seattleschools.org
Nurse Fax: 206-743-3157
Counselor – Doris Brevoort dbrevoort@seattleschools.org (Long term substitute)
All Staff Directory
Olympic View PTA

To submit a school-related news item or announcement, please email Crystal Parry at cnparry@seattleschools.org. Submissions are due Wednesday of each week for Sunday publication and should have “For the Eagle” in the subject line.