Olympic View Elementary

Olympic View

Payment Link for School Supplies for the 2024-2025 School Year

While you were enjoying your summer, our Olympic View PTA shopped for deals and made bulk purchases of all the basic school supplies requested by OV teachers. These are the same items that would have appeared on your student’s School Supply lists.

Following the example of many other PTAs, we choose to do this at Olympic View to promote equity and to remove this burden from families. All classrooms will be stocked with the requested supplies and teachers will use and distribute them in the way that works best for their classroom.

The OVPTA has estimated that they spent about $40 per student this year on supplies. The cost if families had purchased these items individually would have been closer to $75 per student, so this bulk buy has saved families about $35 per student!

Thank you and our Olympic View PTA for helping to make this equity project successful

If you have questions or feedback about this project, please contact president@ovpta.org